Friday, March 6, 2009

Long Beautiful Hair

So today as I was straightening my hair, Kylie wanted her hair done. I combed it out and straightened it, her hair is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long, she has a lot of curl in it, so we never see it really long. She has never had a hair cut, and is 3, but we love her hair, and is really good about letting me comb it. Anyways she loves having it down and loves that her hair is so long. She is a little angel.


Anonymous said...

She is an angle. Her hair looked very nice, but I LOVE itcurly. It is so beautiful when it is curled, like at the xmas show. Fun though huh? Little cutie patutie.

Rookie on the Run said...

So pretty! It is super long and looks so shiny & healthy.

Jason&Linze said...

oh my gosh her hair is so long!