Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A MUST Read....

So I am addicted...with what you may ask??? TWILIGHT! I knew of many people, including my mom, reading these books, and I had NO interest in them what so ever. She even bought me the 1st book for my birthday in hopes that I would read them. Vampires, just don't interest me in the slightest, or so I thought. Well I picked the 1st book up after some coaxing from one of Mark's co-workers, and let's just say the rest is history. 4 LONG books in less then 2 weeks, I NEVER put them down. One night I found myself reading by the light of the computer screen at 3 in the morning. These books are incredible, and I think anyone and everyone should read them and know about them, in fact my hubby who NEVER reads is well into the 3rd one and I don't think I have seen the end of his nose for about 2 weeks. My mother in law, sister and brother in law are all hooked. I am so happy that I read these books and I truly recommend them! Read them and you can thank me later :)


Laura said...

Count me as one of the ones who has still not read them... I'm afraid I will get obsessed like you did! I'm going to wait until January when things slow down a bit before I dive into them.

Beckie said...

i still have not yet read them, i feel like i'm the last person. i am so not good with novel type books.